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The Fascinating History of the City of Ani: The City of 1001 Churches (S1: EP12)
Grand Ani Hotel
Unraveling Armenia's Cilician History - Gevork Nazaryan Exposes the Surprising Truth! (S1: EP11)
Who Were The Urartians? Special guest from People of Ar, Yeghishe Kazarian S3: Ep1
Mer Herosner Podcast: Episode 4: History Of Armenian Art and Architecture with Dr. Christina Maranci
S01E10 - Eastern Turkey: The forgotten highlands of Asia Minor
Baby Girl Born Pregnant with Twins and doctors were left speechless!
Mer Herosner Podcast: Episode 16: The Orontid Dynasty
Mer Herosner Podcast: Eepisode 1: Armenian Highlands - Resurrection
Ep. 6 Rejected at the Georgian border + Offroadhistory on Ani. Kars - Sarp
Live Q&A Show with Mer Hersoner
Episode 10: Did Christianity Destroy The Armenian Culture? A Live Discussion On Clubhouse